August 13, 2015
E.Q: Create an authentic persuasive essay applying the techniques reviewed throughout this unit.
How can multiple perspectives and reflection enhance your work?
Obj: I can create a persuasive essay, using the techniques discussed in class.
I can interpret my peers critiques and revise my own student work.
Identify whether each add uses pathos, ethos, or logos.
Make sure that you identify the rationale behind your choice.
Quiz. Quiz. Trade.
a. Pair Up
Use the stand up/hands up/pair up method for students to find a
partner. Partner A holds up the flash card to show Partner B the term
or definition. Partner B answers. Partner A praises if correct or
coaches if
incorrect. They switch roles and Partner B asks Partner A the next
b. Hands Up
After thanking each other and switching cards, Partners A and B raise
their hands to find a new partner and repeat the process for an allotted
amount of time.
. Persuasive Essay
. Persuasive Essay
The link above provides instructions on the persuasive essay.
Use the information for the project to aid you in your peer editing.
Thinking back to what you accomplished yesterday, decide on which step you need to start with.
A. Peer Edit
Please find one partner to swap persuasive essays with.
Before you begin reviewing each others writing, please share the information from the starter.
Make sure that you read the instructions in the document.
B. Conferencing
While you are peer editing, I will be rotating throughout the room conducting one-on-one conferences.
I will help assist you with anything you specifically request and guide you alongside the rubric.
C. Revising
Based on the checklist and comments go back to your essay and make revisions.
Have the same or different partner review it again. What other suggestions are still made?
D. Practice
If you have time, practice reading your essay aloud.
Where should you place emphasis to be persuasive?
Should there be pauses?
How should you vary tone and pace?
Consider these items for when you will present.
What revisions did your peers suggest?
If you could revise the peer edit form, what would you suggest?*Not having one is not a revision!
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