Monday, November 30, 2015

Harlem Renaissance Poetry Practice

November 30, 2015

E.Q: Analyze the main idea of the poem. 
Create meaning based on your interpretation. 
Obj: I can analyze Harlem Renaissance poetry.


To begin 10 Day Review, we will start with poetry.
Please fill out the Poetry Google Form as accurately as possible. 


Term: Harlem Renaissance
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished
Your Definition: 
Activity: Analyze poetry from this time period. 


1.  I, Too by Langston Hughes Analysis

As a class, we will read through the poem and analyze its meaning.
We will do the first one together, and then, you will practice on your own. 
Use the Poetry Analysis Worksheet to create your analysis.
Make sure to make a copy of this document and place it in your assignment folder. 

I, too, sing America.

I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.

I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"

They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--

I, too, am America. 
You may work with ONE partner.
Make sure that this assignment is in your Google Drive. 


Which question from the worksheet did you struggle with the most? Why?

Gatsby Final Project and Benchmark due Tomorrow!!!
Complete poetry analysis if not complete in class. 

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Benchmark 11/24

November 24, 2015

E.Q: Demonstrate knowledge of skills developed throughout this semester.
Obj: I can demonstrate my knowledge of skills developed throughout this semester. 


Thanksgiving Cards!!!!

In honor of the upcoming holiday, make a card to give to someone you are thankful for!!!
Make sure to write a nice message, expressing your gratitude.

1.  Benchmark 11/24

You are responsible for completing this benchmark by Tuesday, December 1.
You are required to receive a minimum score of 80%.
You have unlimited attempts, but remember there will also be options for remediation.
This will also receive credit in the gradebook.

You must have this complete by Tuesday, December 1.

2.  Time Remaining

Make sure that you read the instructions and complete only ONE of the assignments.

Remember to read through the rubric before you begin. 

Due Date: Tuesday, December 1.


Many of the questions on todays benchmark cover the skills that we have worked on this semester.
Evaluate whether or not you are making progress.
Why or why not?

Monday, November 23, 2015

Writing Conferences

November 23, 2015

E.Q: Analyze the concept of the American Dream and construct a product that informs the audience on the evolution of the dream.
Obj: I can analyze the idea of the American Dream and construct a product that demonstrates my knowledge of the evolution of it. 


Today, I will be conferencing with each of you on your papers and film adaptations.
Reflect on the work you have completed so far.
Create one writing concern you would like to focus on.  
We will go over this concern together.


1.  S.M.A.R.T goal

Today we will have the entire class to work on producing our product.
Using the S.M.A.R.T goal form explain what you want to accomplish today.


Make sure that you read the instructions and complete only ONE of the assignments.

Remember to read through the rubric before you begin. 

Due Date: Tuesday, December 1.

Write yourself a plus and delta for your work so far.
What steps can you take to improve your delta?

Benchmark 11/24 is tomorrow.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Gatsby Work Day

November 20, 2015

E.Q: Analyze the concept of the American Dream and construct a product that informs the audience on the evolution of the dream.
Obj: I can analyze the idea of the American Dream and construct a product that demonstrates my knowledge of the evolution of it. 


Free Write Friday

1/2 page


1.  S.M.A.R.T goal

Today we will have the entire class to work on producing our product.
Every 20 minutes we will pause to reflect on our progress through set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Using the S.M.A.R.T goal form explain what you want to accomplish in the first 20 minutes. 

Make sure that you read the instructions and complete only ONE of the assignments.
You will have time in class, this week, to work on either the paper or film.
Remember to read through the rubric before you begin. 

Due Date: Tuesday, December 1.

2.  20 Minute Check-In

After each 20 minute time period, we will assess our progress on our S.M.A.R.T. goal.

3.  Create a New S.M.A.R.T goal
Using the S.M.A.R.T goal form explain what you want to accomplish in the next 20 minutes. 

4.  Repeat 
We will continuously be referring back to these two forms. 


Reflecting on the entire block, explain everything that you were able to accomplish. 

Thursday, November 19, 2015

American Dream Work Day

November 19, 2015

E.Q: Analyze the concept of the American Dream and construct a product that informs the audience on the evolution of the dream.
Obj: I can analyze the idea of the American Dream and construct a product that demonstrates my knowledge of the evolution of it. 


Today we will have the entire class to work on producing our product.
Every 20 minutes we will pause to reflect on our progress through set S.M.A.R.T. goals.
Using the S.M.A.R.T goal form explain what you want to accomplish in the first 20 minutes. 


Make sure that you read the instructions and complete only ONE of the assignments.
You will have time in class, this week, to work on either the paper or film.
Remember to read through the rubric before you begin. 

Due Date: Tuesday, December 1.

2.  20 Minute Check-In

After each 20 minute time period, we will assess our progress on our S.M.A.R.T. goal.

3.  Create a New S.M.A.R.T goal
Using the S.M.A.R.T goal form explain what you want to accomplish in the next 20 minutes. 

4.  Repeat 
We will continuously be referring back to these two forms. 


Reflecting on the entire block, explain everything that you were able to accomplish. 

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Gatsby Final Project

November 18, 2015

E.Q: Analyze the concept of the American Dream and construct a product that informs the audience on the evolution of the dream.
Obj: I can analyze the idea of the American Dream and construct a product that demonstrates my knowledge of the evolution of it. 


Socratic Seminar Reflection

Respond to the following questions inside of your starter folder.

1.  What is one statement or question you were proud that you asked?  Why were you most proud of this one?

2.  What is one point that was made by a classmate that you either really agree or disagree with?  Why did this point resonate with you the most?

3.  What would you do differently to improve the next Socratic seminar. Explain.


As a class, we will go over the final project.
Make sure that you read the instructions and complete only ONE of the assignments.
You will have time in class, this week, to work on either the paper or film.

Due Date: Tuesday, December 1.

After reviewing the assignment, decide which project you want to create.
Respond to the questions in the Google Form in the link above.

3. Planning

You will create a step-by-step plan to help you stay organized.

Determine the order in which you need to complete tasks. 


1.  Determine Product
2.  Select texts to support paper.
3.  Create position on topic.
4.  Identify quotes that will be used. 
5.  Begin first paragraph...

4.  Plan in Action

Begin with your first step and complete as many tasks as possible with the remaining class time. 
You will pick back up with this tomorrow.
Please bring any supplies that you will need.


What were you able to accomplish so far in class?

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Class Generated Socratic Seminar

November 18, 2015

E.Q: Analyze and discuss the topic you created yesterday.
Make connections between the text and the real world.
Inquire your classmates through higher order thinking questions.
Obj: I can analyze and discuss the developed in class.
I can make connections between the text and the real world.
I can inquire using HOT questions.

Take out your Cornell Notes from your research.
Review, revise, improve and question your notes.
Highlight, check, circle, star, add, etc.


1.  Socratic Seminar
  • Block Two Topic: True love doesn’t exist & love and hate.
  • Block Three Topic: How does money define/change a person’s personality?/How do you define happiness?
  • Block Four Topic: Justify if you think you can love someone if they or you are abusive and cheat. Explain whether or not you could forgive them.

2.  Peer Evaluation Selection

Choose a peer to evaluate during the seminar.
You two will take turns in the inner and outer circle.

Pick a peer that will evaluate your performance during the seminar.
This is not the sole factor of the grade, but it does help!

Make sure that you participate!!!
Ask your questions!
Respond to your peers!
This is a part of your grade!!


What is one statement you found interesting?
What is one question you still have?

Monday, November 16, 2015

Socratic Seminar Prep

November 16, 2015

E.Q: Identify big ideas throughout The Great Gatsby.
Collaborate with your peers to create a topic for the Socratic seminar tomorrow.
Obj: I can identify big ideas throughout The Great Gatsby.
I can collaborate with peers to create a topic for the seminar tomorrow.


Brainstorm as many big ideas from The Great Gatsby.
Make a list of these ideas, and then select the top one and write it on the board.


1.  Topic Generator

Using the big ideas posted on the board, create a topic for the seminar.
Remember, this needs to require you to research and think critically.

2.  Small Group Discussion

At your tables, share out the topics you created. 
Work together to collaborate on one topic that best relates to main idea.
We will be voting as a class on which topic we will discuss.

3.  Research
Individually, find credible sources that relate to the topic decided in class.
Make sure the sources, are relevant and credible.

Post sources here:

Once you have posted a source, begin researching and taking Cornell notes.

Create at least 2 HOT thinking questions in prep for tomorrow.


What is 1 HOT question that you will ask tomorrow.
Respond to your own question.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Chapter Eight Continued

November 13, 2015

E.Q: Determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
Identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret the meaning.
Interpret the American Dream of the characters based on textual evidence.
Obj: I can determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
I can identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret its meaning.
I can interpret the American Dream of the the characters using textual evidence.


Free Write Friday

Reminder: must be 1/2 page and double-spaced.

Or respond to this...

Use the Great Gatsby Vocab document to keep track of this novel's vocabulary.
We will go over the next four words.


1.  Great Gatsby Chapter Eight

As a class, we will read chapter seven.

Discussion Questions
Rationalize Daisy and Gatsby's relationship from both perspectives.
Analyze Gatsby's past. Determine how it shaped his present situation.
Interpret, "They're a rotten crowd" (162).
Analyze the symbolism of the Eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleburg.

2.   Venn Diagram 
 As you watch the film version, compare and contrast it to the original F. Scott Fitzgerald version.
Create a Venn Diagram with your observations.
Find at least 5 similarities and 5 differences.

As a class, we will watch the YouTube video.
Consider how John Green's interpretation of the TGG relates to your interpretation.

As you watch, write down comments you have in response to Green's critiques.
Generate at least 1 question that you can ask the class.

Remember, he is discussing themes of the novel. 


Identify ONE theme that you find to be most important in TGG.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Chapter Eight

November 12, 2015

E.Q: Determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
Identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret the meaning.
Interpret the American Dream of the characters based on textual evidence.
Obj: I can determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
I can identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret its meaning.
I can interpret the American Dream of the the characters using textual evidence.


On Tuesday, we read through chapter seven of The Great Gatsby.
Generate two questions that are relevant to the text.

The FIRST question should relate to plot, characters, etc.
The SECOND question should make a connection between the text and the real world.

We will be asking these questions in a Quiz. Quiz. Trade.

Use the Great Gatsby Vocab document to keep track of this novel's vocabulary.
We will go over the next four words.


1.  Venn Diagram 
 As you watch the film version, compare and contrast it to the original F. Scott Fitzgerald version.
Create a Venn Diagram with your observations.
Find at least 5 similarities and 5 differences.

2.   Great Gatsby Chapter Eight

As a class, we will read chapter seven.

Discussion Questions
Rationalize Daisy and Gatsby's relationship from both perspectives.
Analyze Gatsby's past. Determine how it shaped his present situation.
Interpret, "They're a rotten crowd" (162).
Analyze the symbolism of the Eyes of Dr. TJ Eckleburg.


Share your reaction to the ending of chapter eight.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Chapter Seven Continued

November 10, 2015

E.Q: Determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
Identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret the meaning.
Interpret the American Dream of the characters based on textual evidence.
Obj: I can determine the similarities and differences between the novel and the film adaptation.
I can identify symbolism in the Great Gatsby and interpret its meaning.
I can interpret the American Dream of the the characters using textual evidence.

Young and Beautiful is played several times throughout The Great Gatsby.
Listen to the song as it plays and carefully pay attention to the lyrics.
Evaluate how this songs relates to the text and write down the connections you make.

Use the Great Gatsby Vocab document to keep track of this novel's vocabulary.
We will go over the next four words.


1.  Great Gatsby Chapter Seven 

As a class, we will read chapter seven.

Discussion Questions

Critique the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby.  Daisy and her daughter.
Analyze the reference to Dr. TJ Eckleburg.  Explain its symbolism in this chapter.
Compare the characteristics of the characters from the beginning of the book to now. 
Analyze the scene in the hotel room.  Rationalize the thought process of Gatsby and Daisy.
Connect the incident in the valley of ashes to previous events.
Evaluate and explain what this demonstrates about the characters.

2.  Venn Diagram 
 As you watch the film version, compare and contrast it to the original F. Scott Fitzgerald version.
Create a Venn Diagram with your observations.
Find at least 5 similarities and 5 differences.


Critique Daisy and Gatsby's reaction.
What would you do if you were in their shoes?

Monday, November 9, 2015

Chapter Six Continued

November 9, 2015

E.Q: Evaluate the progression of Gatsby's character throughout the Great Gatsby.
Obj: I can evaluate Jay Gatsby and identify characteristics about him in the novel.


First, write a 2-3 sentence summary of chapter six. 
Then, write a short sentence about what you were able to get done in class on Friday.

Use the Great Gatsby Vocab document to keep track of this novel's vocabulary.
We will go over the next 5 words today.


1.  Facebook

With a partner, you both are responsible for creating a Facebook for Jay Gatsby.
Use information from chapters 1-6.

The profile must include:

A Profile Picture

Status Update

Basic Information
Birth date
Birth place 
Relationship Status

Must include at least 10 events that show the transition of Gatz to Gatsby.

At least three possible friends

In a TPEQEA paragraph respond to the following writing prompt:
Evaluate Gatsby’s desire to repeat the past and predict how that will either help or hinder his American Dream.
3. Great Gatsby Chapter Seven 

As a class, we will read chapter seven.

Discussion Questions

Critique the relationship between Daisy and Gatsby.  Daisy and her daughter.
Analyze the reference to Dr. TJ Eckleburg.  Explain its symbolism in this chapter.
Compare the characteristics of the characters from the beginning of the book to now. 


Predict what will happen at the end of chapter seven. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Profiling Gatsby

November 6, 2015

E.Q: Evaluate the progression of Gatsby's character throughout the Great Gatsby.
Obj: I can evaluate Jay Gatsby and identify characteristics about him in the novel.


Free Write Friday

Write a 1/2 page, double-spaced entry for your free write.
You may write about whatever is on your mind, or respond to the prompt below.

I made a set of 60 writing prompts about The Great Gatsby. These are a few (well, a few more) of those.


1.  Gatsby Facebook Profile

With a partner, you both are responsible for creating a Facebook for Jay Gatsby.
Use information from chapters 1-6.

The profile must include:

A Profile Picture

Status Update

Basic Information
Birth date
Birth place 
Relationship Status

Must include at least 10 events that show the transition of Gatz to Gatsby.

At least three possible friends

In a TPEQEA paragraph respond to the following writing prompt:
Evaluate Gatsby’s desire to repeat the past and predict how that will either help or hinder his American Dream.

Whatever you do not finish in class will be done for homework.

Has your opinion of Gatsby changed?
Why or why not?