November 30, 2015
E.Q: Analyze the main idea of the poem.
Create meaning based on your interpretation.
Obj: I can analyze Harlem Renaissance poetry.
To begin 10 Day Review, we will start with poetry.
Please fill out the Poetry Google Form as accurately as possible.
Term: Harlem Renaissance
Part of Speech: Noun
Dictionary Definition: a period in the 1920s when African-American achievements in art and music and literature flourished
Your Definition:
Activity: Analyze poetry from this time period.
1. I, Too by Langston Hughes Analysis
As a class, we will read through the poem and analyze its meaning.
We will do the first one together, and then, you will practice on your own.
Use the Poetry Analysis Worksheet to create your analysis.
Make sure to make a copy of this document and place it in your assignment folder.
I, too, sing America.
I am the darker brother.
They send me to eat in the kitchen
When company comes,
But I laugh,
And eat well,
And grow strong.
I'll be at the table
When company comes.
Nobody'll dare
Say to me,
"Eat in the kitchen,"
They'll see how beautiful I am
And be ashamed--
I, too, am America.
Read through the the poem by Hughes linked above, and complete the worksheet that we used for the practice.
You may work with ONE partner.
Make sure that this assignment is in your Google Drive.
Which question from the worksheet did you struggle with the most? Why?
Gatsby Final Project and Benchmark due Tomorrow!!!
Complete poetry analysis if not complete in class.